Increase customer service productivity and improve warranty portfolio performance with PCRS.
Consumers love their gadgets, owning approximately 24 electronic products per household.
With sales of electronics on the rise, product warranties, extended warranties, and product protection plans have become more critical to consumers because they provide them with peace of mind that their products will operate as promised. Consumer brands also recognize the value these programs offer in generating incremental revenue and profits and turning first-time buyers into long-term customers.
Evolving Market
Managing warranty obligations is challenging.
From call center tracking to warranty registration, entitlement, and administration, there are so many touchpoints and processes involved in the warranty lifecycle. OEMs, TPAs, and Insurers who are still utilizing warranty systems that are antiquated, inflexible, or require a lot of manual intervention, risk losing millions of dollars a year because these systems do not allow them to keep up with the evolving market.

Does your warranty department have the systems in place to deliver great customer support and generate additional revenue?
Our PCRS administration solution, based on a modular system design, supports the full-service lifecycle associated with product warranty and extended warranty management programs.
Our Future-Ready Solution Can Help

PCRS’s functionality provides Consumer Electronics warranty providers with the ability to measure and analyze portfolio performance, improve customer service productivity, and flexibility in designing new programs while integrating with accounting and reporting systems without adding additional staff. Core capabilities include:
- Policy administration
- Claims administration
- Service network dispatch
- Risk management
- And more!
“Truly acting as our technology partner, PCMI has helped us substantially grow and scale service delivery for our clients and their consumers. PCRS helps us deliver excellent customer product-service experiences.”
ROB CHRISTIANPresident & Chief Risk Officer
OnPoint Warranty