
Discover why businesses like yours chose us as their technology partner.

Teams do powerful things with our software.

Alpha Warranty
Cars Protection Plus
Dealer General
Flamingo Appliance Service
JM&A Group
McGraw Powersports
Penn Warranty Corporation
Torque Group

Our Customer Success Stories

Alpha Warranty Services - Jeff Robinson

Alpha Warranty switched to PCMI for better uptime, innovation, and integration, resulting in faster claims, improved reliability, and a better customer experience.

The Full Story
Torque Group Success Story Thumbnail - Jerry Munselle

With a more powerful administration platform and real-time data available at their fingertips, Torque was able to increase business by 100% over a 12-month period and better support their dealers.

The Full Story
AvantaGuard Success Story Thumbnail - Matt Fehr

After implementing PCRS, AvantaGuard can now compete with larger administrators by providing the same level of streamlined administration and claims support to customers.

The Full Story
Henrick Success Story - Johnny McKellar - Sr. VP of Hendrick Autoguard, Inc. & President of NationsGuard, LLC

Implementing PCRS helped Hendrick AutoGuard increase efficiencies immensely. This has led to the launch of NationsGuard, as well as administering a number of contracts comparable to large TPAs.

The Full Story

“Our sales doubled in our first year with PCRS, and we are currently up 289%.”

Matt Fehr – President

“Before converting, we felt frustrated and handcuffed—our legacy system slowed our business and progression down a lot.”

Jerry Munselle – President
Torque Group

What Makes Us Different

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Preferred Industry Solution

Committed to innovation.
Reliable and secure.

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Integrated Ecosystem

Our Network is Your Network. Over 140+ API Connections.

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Speed to Value

Quickly achieve the return on your technology investment.

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Unmatched Experience

Decades of industry experience. Deep understanding of your business.