Success Story

How Alpha Warranty overcame system instability and boosted innovation with PCMI

After several years on a fully converted system, we can confidently say PCMI was the right decision for us.

Jeff Robinson
Chief Operating Officer at Alpha Warranty Services

Meet Alpha Warranty


Automotive F&I Provider


South Jordan, Utah

Year Founded:


Alpha Warranty Services offers a full range of unique vehicle service contract programs, built on integrity, dependability, and superior service. These principles drive consistent growth and forge long-term partnerships with industry leaders nationwide, earning Alpha recognition as a top VSC provider.


Alpha Warranty faced significant issues with their legacy system provider including poor uptime and lack of innovation, which hindered their ability to process claims and sell contracts effectively.


They transitioned to PCMI not only for its proven success with converting similar legacy system clients but also for PCRS’s enhanced features, superior stability, and seamless integration with their existing tools. Additionally, the PaaS capabilities effectively supported their technology needs.


The new system delivered improved reliability, faster claim handling, and the ability to innovate more freely. Alpha Warranty was able to build and integrate new and existing technology tools, leading to a significantly improved customer experience.

The Full Story

1. Why did you decide to change your administration system?

We reached a point around 5 years ago where we knew it was time for us to make a change. Our previous system, built by an industry provider, was having issues with uptime, which is vital to us. If our systems are not up and live, we can’t process claims, we can’t sell contracts, we can’t do our critical functions without this technology system working well. It was just out of our control, and there’s nothing more frustrating than having those types of issues. We had to just sit back and wait, and that was a real frustration for us. We didn’t have confidence in their team, we didn’t see enough innovation, and we knew that we needed a system that was better at seamlessly talking with the technology systems that we built.

2. How did your company goals shape your technology needs?

We pride ourselves on our technology and our ability to enhance the customer experience, whether it’s with our agents, dealers, repair facilities, or consumers. We build tools like our point of sale system, claims tracker, and cancellation portal to simplify things for our customers. These tools must seamlessly integrate with our contract administration system to function effectively.

3. What were your main concerns about transitioning to a new system?

Our previous system failed to meet this need, creating challenges and hindering our innovation. We recognized it was time for a change, though the idea of transitioning was scary. We know that converting is a huge undertaking. We were concerned that switching systems would divert our focus from developing these crucial tools and we were concerned about how long it would take. We debated whether to build our own system, outsource development, or partner with a vendor like PCMI.

4. What were the key factors that influenced your decision to choose PCMI?

Conversion Knowledge

One of the things that attracted us to PCMI is their experience with clients from the legacy system we were on. They’ve successfully moved those clients to PCMI, so they understand the database and structure, which should make the transition easier. This was very appealing to us.

Features and Functionality

We were impressed by how the system is tailored for our industry and can manage most of what we do. Although every TPA is different, PCRS can handle nearly all standard products in our industry. For products we don’t yet sell but might in the future, PCRS already supports them, so we won’t have to develop new processes or tools. PCMI will show us how to use these features, which is a significant advantage. During our demos, we saw many features that our old system lacked, which could make a big difference to our team in improving efficiency and accuracy.

System Stability

The last two were probably the most important; we saw system stability – which is crucial for us. We asked for data on uptime and any issues, and PCMI’s excellent uptime and stability impressed us. I actually recall the PCMI reps being kind of confused when we asked about downtime. Since converting, the system has been incredibly stable, but we’ve been blown away by that.

PaaS Connectivity

Finally, the Platform as a Service (PaaS) was important to us. We have several technology systems we want to connect seamlessly with our core system. Mark and Greg explained how PaaS would allow us to continue building and innovating while ensuring these systems integrate in real-time. This will make things easier and allow us to focus on development without worrying about integration challenges.

5. What results have you seen since converting?

We’ve been able to develop new technology tools that greatly enhance the customer experience, and we’re creating more than ever before. This has become a major focus for us, and we’re continuously innovating and improving our tools, which are getting better all the time. This level of advancement wasn’t possible years ago. Now, with real-time data, we have fast and accurate information that we use across many areas of our business.

PCRS is built on newer technology with an improved interface, which has made a significant difference. Most of our team members hadn’t even heard of the technology our legacy system was built on, so it was a challenge to work with that.

Our average time to handle a claim has dropped significantly, and the way that we’ve been able to do that is really through access to real-time data and claims APIs where we can build dashboards and systems outside of our system and have them connect to PCRS. We have much more control and visibility into the claims process, so we’ve been able to reduce the average time it takes to handle a claim, which has been huge for us.

6. How would you describe the support you’ve received during and after the transition?

I’d like to highlight the fantastic support we’ve received. Whenever I need assistance, the management or support team is always willing to learn about the problem and help to find a solution. Over the past couple of years, the PCMI team has visited us multiple times, and we are very grateful for their dedication.

7. Would you make the same decision again?

After several years on a fully converted system, we can confidently say PCMI was the right decision for us. If we were going back in time a few years we would make the same decision.

PCRS has been incredibly stable, and the support has been outstanding. The ability to innovate and improve our technology tools is something we couldn’t have achieved before.

Jeff Robinson
Chief Operating Officer at Alpha Warranty Services