PCRS Marketplace:
The New Era of Private-Labeling

What is PCRS Marketplace?

Expand selling opportunities without the limitations of traditional private labeling


For years, private-labeling has empowered providers to expand their business by offering branded products as their own. But evolving market demands require more advanced and connected solutions. Traditional private-labeling methods can no longer keep pace in today’s fast-moving environment.


Marketplace is PCMI’s answer to this shift. Backed by advanced administrative technology, this offering enables real-time connections with in-network providers, allowing you to seamlessly expand your product portfolio through cross-selling without the need for additional product development.


Members of this exclusive network gain a seamless and efficient private-labeling experience, driving reduced operational costs and increased sales potential. Automated, real-time data synchronization and simplified claims management cut manual tasks and errors, boosting accuracy and customer satisfaction. This streamlined approach empowers PCRS customers to grow their business while focusing on core strengths.

PCRS Marketplace

From outdated to optimized

Traditional Private-Labeling PCRS Marketplace
Operations and Setup
Outdated Data TransfersManual month-end exchanges are prone to errors and inefficiency Automated Data SynchronizationReal-time updates eliminate manual file sharing, streamlining processes and improving accuracy
High Operational CostsFiling forms and managing rates can be expensive and time-consuming Cost-Effective SetupSeamless integration of setup, rating, e-contracting, and claims management reduces operational costs
Ambiguous Billing ProcessesConfusing and inefficient billing leads to financial uncertainty Clear, Unified BillingManage billing within a single platform, reducing ambiguity and enhancing financial control
Manual Claims ManagementTime-consuming and error-prone processes for claims and cancellations Simplified Claims HandlingReal-time claims data sharing between environments ensures accuracy and reduces errors
Error-Prone Sales IncentivesManaging sales incentives manually can lead to costly mistakes Automated ProcessesStreamlined automation reduces manual errors and enhances efficiency
Customer Experience
Incomplete DataDifficulty in providing real-time contract and claim details, leading to dissatisfied customers Real-Time AccessOffer customers and lenders 24/7 access to all contract details and claim initiation through dedicated portals
Lack of Unified SystemsStruggles with selling products from a unified menu and obtaining comprehensive sales reports Comprehensive ViewTrack all contract and claims history, regardless of the source, for holistic management and reporting
Dealer Relations
Fragmented Dealer RelationshipsManaging relationships with multiple providers creates complexity Strengthened Dealer RelationshipsStrong, streamlined relationships, even when reselling products from multiple TPAs
Lack Timely UpdatesDealers may not receive timely updates on claims and upsell opportunities, leading to missed sales and disengagement Proactive NotificationsKeep dealers informed about claims and potential upsell opportunities, helping them drive additional sales and maintain engagement

Achieve even more with these add-ons

Claims Add-On - customer portal

Customer Portal

Gives consumers 24/7 real-time access to all their contract information, with the ability to initiate claims in one convenient view—regardless of the contract source.

Claims Add-On - lender portal

Lender Portal

Empowers lenders with self-service capabilities, streamlines communication and administrative processes seamlessly between customers, administrators, and lenders.

Claims Add-On - notification center

Notification Center

Alerts your selling dealer about claims, highlighting potential new vehicle sales and upsell opportunities.

Ready to learn more?

Contact us today to discover how PCRS Marketplace can transform your business.