This powerful add-on offers separate portals for consumers and lenders to initiate a GAP claim by filing first notice of loss, submitting all documents online, and receiving status updates every step of the way.
- Streamlines your full GAP claim process
- Digitalizes insurance processing
- Cuts down on cost, some administrators achieving a cost reduction of 35%
- Settles GAP claim faster, some lenders achieving this within days instead of weeks
- Gets payments to consumers quicker
P CMI’s new GAP Claim Consumer and Lender Portal is our latest endeavor in saving administrators time and money. Consider the current process for collecting data from a consumer throughout the GAP claim process. From the initial phone call, weeks of mailing back-and-forth, follow up phone calls, and long periods of waiting, a lot of time goes into gathering information. Utilizing today’s technological advancements and our continued innovation, we have simplified this process. This add-on to our PCRS Claims Administration Software enables both consumers and lenders to initiate the GAP claim process, entering relevant information and uploading documents in one secure environment. When properly used, this portal allows administrators to collect information 3x faster than the average 17 days, drastically simplifying this time-consuming effort.
Consumer Portal
A space for consumers to efficiently enter/upload their information
One of the most important features of the Consumer Portal is that consumers can now self-register digitally for a claim, eliminating phone calls. Registration is quick and easy; all the consumer needs is their full name and contract number. Once registered, they can enter and upload all claim information on one screen: loss, insurance, lender, and contact information as well as relevant documents. They can also find their lenders from an administrator-approved list. After the consumer completes their information entry, the administrator can then move forward with the claim. The need for administrators to send tedious follow-up phone calls and snail mail is eliminated, and consumers will receive automatic updates on the status of their claim while it is being processed.

Why does this matter? Because this add-on ultimately turns a consumer into a loyal customer by ensuring that the GAP claim process is painless – settling their claims quicker means getting them into a new car quicker. After realizing the benefits of their GAP policy, the consumer will be more likely to repurchase and repeat.
Lender Portal
A space for lenders to settle their GAP claims quickly and efficiently
Lenders are enabled to file first notice of loss as well as enter all relevant financial information in a secure environment. To ensure compliance with PI, the consumer, the lender, and the administrator can all effectively work the claim at the same time online without having to worry about entering duplicate or crossover information. Since consumers are responsible for completing their own fields, lenders can prioritize on entering and finalizing their portion of the claim. With features to communicate directly with the administrator through the portal and 24/7 accessibility, all the lender’s responsibilities can be fulfilled in one pre-configured environment.

Your Digital Transformation
Continuing your digital transformation is something that PCMI constantly has our eye on while developing new and innovative features for our PCRS administration software. We’ve developed a way to streamline the GAP claim process to create the most efficient workflow possible, showing your customers how quick and easy it was to utilize their GAP contract. The GAP Claim Consumer and Lender Portal add-on is our latest endeavor to achieve digitization, saving administrators time and processing costs.