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PCMI Thailand Team Relocates to Support Growth

By August 7, 2017March 19th, 2021PCMI Culture

Last Friday, the Thailand team relocated to a new, bigger office space to support their growing team.  Now, their new office is more open and spacious, allowing more room for them to move around and interact with one another. The new office space will ensure a better, more comfortable working environment, while also allowing for more quality cooperation and meetings.

Thailand team new office

The office has big windows that will allow more natural light in and make the bright yellow walls even more cheerful. Desks have been set up to face one another, as it will allow the team members to collaborate easily and work together as a team. Extra desks have even been set up for future hires that the team predicts they may need!

White boards and cork boards are located in different parts of the office, so that if an idea were to strike, one could easily show the others exactly what is on their mind. The coffee machine that was also purchased last month will brew the beverages that will help keep them going throughout the day.

Thailand team coffee pot

We are all very excited for the Thailand team and hope they enjoy their fresh, new space!