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PCMI’s CEO Excerpted in Warranty Fraud Management Publication

By August 30, 2016June 2nd, 2023Industry Insights

Warranty Fraud ManagementLast fall, PCMI CEO – Mark Nagelvoort was interviewed to be featured in the book Warranty Fraud Management: Reducing Fraud and Other Excess Costs in Warranty and Service Operations. Published in June of 2016, Mark’s excerpt was included in Chapter 5’s section discussing “Warranty Management Software Alternatives”.  Mark was very excited and appreciative to share his expertise on the subject matter and to be able to contribute to the overall theme of the book – a complete solution to reducing warranty fraud.

This book was written by three experts in the warranty management field, Matti Kurvinen, Ilkka Toyryla, Dr. Sc., and D.N. Prabhakar Murthy. Matti is an independent consultant who focuses on service strategy and operations in general and warranty management. Ilkka is a management consultant with expertise in service operations and warranty management. Prabhakar is a professor at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia where he has lectured on topics in engineering and technology management for over 30 years.

In this publication, there are so many topics covered, multiple experts giving their advice from real-life experiences, and so much to learn, that Mark was more than honored to be a part of it. A must read for any and all that are affected by the outcomes of warranty fraud.

Pick up your own copy at Barnes & Noble or online, you will be happy you did!