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PCMI Featured in Warranty Week

By February 5, 2016March 29th, 2022Press Release

We’re excited to share that we’ve been featured in Warranty Week, the newsletter for warranty management professionals. The article titled, ‘PCMI & Ancillary Products” is written by columnist, Eric Arnum.

Arnum touches on the how the protection plan industry is broadening from just break/fix coverage, how new software platforms are enabling sellers to more efficiently make their offers and print their paperwork, and how new way of delivering those platforms have allowed smaller startup companies to launch and administer innovative new products.

“We are really proud of how Warranty Week has evolved to show the best and upcoming news. We’re honored to be featured in Warranty Week. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our customers succeed.” – President CEO, Mark Nagelvoort.

Source: Warranty Week
PDF: PCMI Featured in Warranty Week